Slim Wallet Reviews
The 8 Things The Happiest People Do Every Day
Sep 24 2016
How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails
Sep 21 2016
How to make your life better? All you need is email. I’ve covered a lot of research on how to make your life better but many people struggle with implementing changes because it seems like a major undertaking. It doesn’t have to be. You can make strides in 5 fundamental areas by just sending 5 emails. HAPPINESS Every morning send a friend, family member or co-worker an email to say thanks for something. Might sound silly but it’s actually excellent advice on how to make your life better. There’s tons and tons and tons of research showing that...
Be More Successful: New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Do It
Sep 21 2016
We all want to be more successful. But everything you read probably sounds like a lot of work. Isn’t there a scientifically proven method that’s a little more… fun? There is. Shawn Achor is the bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage and for years at Harvard he studied exactly that: happiness. He gave an extremely popular (and, in my opinion, the all-time funniest) TED talk. And his ideas even attracted the attention of Oprah Winfrey, who filmed an interview with him. What’s so special about Shawn’s work? His research shows that success doesn’t bring happiness — happiness brings success. He did what a lot of researchers never...
Italian Vegetable Pesto Salmon
Sep 21 2016
Pesto Salmon and Italian Veggies in Foil Yield: 4 servings Ingredients 4 (6 oz) skinless salmon fillets 1 1/4 lbs fresh green beans, ends trimmed or 1 lb (medium/thin) asparagus, tough ends trimmed 3 tsp olive oil, divided Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 Tbsp pesto, homemade or store-bought (half of the homemade recipe will be enough) 4 tsp fresh lemon juice 1 pint grape tomatoes, halved Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Cut four pieces of aluminum foil into 14-inch lengths. Boil green beans 3 minutes, then carefully drain (asparagus...
What One Serving of Fruit Really Looks Like
Sep 19 2016
The Psychology Of Color
Sep 19 2016
Sep 18 2016
ENTP: ESTP but nerdier, INTP but louder, ENFP but cooler, ENTJ but funnier and less competent ISFP: ESFP but softer, INFP but calmer, ISTP but lovelier, ISFJ but colder INTP: ENTP but chiller, INTJ but lazier, INFP but not crazy, ISTP but unfashionable INFP: ENFP but sadder, INTP but creative, ISFP but pensive INTJ: ENTJ but patient, INTP but diligent, ISTJ but pretentious, INFJ but colder ENTJ: INTJ but aggressive, ENTP but practical, ESTJ but dangerous, ENFJ but hardier INFJ: INTJ but tactful, ISFJ but analytical, INFP but involved, ENFJ but pensive ESTJ: ESTP but reliable, ENTJ but obsessive,...
I'm not dead yet!
Sep 18 2016
Top 45 Beautiful Eye Makeup Tutorials Video Compilation
Sep 12 2016
10 Ways To Cleverly Use Maps In Your Home Decor
Sep 08 2016
Maps, yes you read it right, the very simple and ordinary navigation pieces can act as one evergreen interior decor element that will never go out of style and will always be useful. Maps can help to reflect the different time periods and also act as unconventional design pieces for your home. By narrowing down the detailed styling and colors of the map, either with a minimal or an extensive look, the maps can be an unforgettable and versatile decor piece for your space. Today, we are listing 10 ways how you can style your space using this unconventional decor...
Me Against The World
Jul 12 2016
One Of The Best Guides On Tuning your Drone PIDs
Jul 04 2016
The Arducopter Tuning Guide This guide was written at the time of the release of Arducopter 2.8.1 FW. It is a compilation of everything I have gathered from the experts in the field of flight controller tuning. It will help give you an understanding of how to tune any rotor based flight controller, but its specific to Arducopter and this firmware release. I will update this as necessary, or if you can convince me any of it is incorrect just post below and I’ll update this text. There is a summary/quick reference at the bottom, so once you’ve read...